A lot of times in life, things aren’t planned, they just happen. You get in an accident, you meet someone, you get a raise you didn’t expect, you do something because you’ve always done things that way, you fall down and pray no one saw. Plenty of aspects of your life aren’t, and can’t be, deliberately orchestrated. But this is different.

I’m at a point in my life where I’d like to think I still have a lot of years in front of me. But I’ve also got a lot of years in the rearview mirror, and it’s hard not to get a little introspective and philosophical at times. I’ve had my share of bumps and bruises in life, as well as some great moments. And I’ve come to learn that great moments don’t have to rely on fate; they can be manufactured. Or, at least the odds of experiencing them can be manipulated. So, over the last few years I’ve worked harder than ever to create memories.
Mount Monadnock, July, 2011, with Sara
I love my girlfriend Sara, and she loves hiking. We’ve bonded over mountain biking, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, and snowshoeing. And intermittent hiking and backpacking. But she really loves hiking, and has aspirations of through-hiking the Appalachian Trail. My predisposition about that is to have aspirations of sending her supplies of food, cans of Off, and new insoles. But I want to be able to connect with her in different ways. And I want my two daughters to appreciate the world around them, and how they can challenge themselves and grow from the experience. I also enjoy creative writing, but the girls are getting too old to write them stories about girls giving themselves Mohawks, three-legged kids being great soccer players, trolls who taste better if eaten with ranch dressing, and witches who will do better spells by practicing.
Aside of hobbies, I realized that the economy and my lack of access to the Warren Buffett gene pool makes it seem as if it will be impossible to ever retire. I’d be perfectly happy sipping Coronas on the back of my boat, or flittering between my condos in the mountains of northern New England and the beaches of Cape Cod or Nantucket. But maybe that’s not in the cards, and I’ve got a few decades of time to kill. So my challenge to myself was to figure out, if I could never retire, how to approach life in a way that didn’t feel beaten down and slaving away in Corporate America working for The Man.
One of my alleged epiphanies was to write more, and to integrate it with some other aspect of my life. This is where hiking comes into play. I don’t have the life or the knees to ever allow me to hike the Appalachian Trail. In full disclosure, I also don’t have the interest. But day hikes or a weekend can work for me. And it can be a way to bond with some of those around me. There are sixty-seven mountains in New England above 4,000 feet. I thought if I gave myself sixty-seven months to hike them then I could chip away at it. I could do them in a variety of circumstances: day hikes in great weather, winter hikes, staying at huts, car camping, tenting, hiking with Sara, with my girls, with a group… there could be a great variety. And it would generate stories. I also realized that over that amount of time my life would undoubtedly have some changes, and it would be interesting to see how all of that unfolded.
All of this brings me to this point: I’ve begun working towards the goal, I’m going to chronicle the hikes and my life, and I’ll find it interesting to see where this all leads. I have no destination other than having it feel like a worthwhile effort that will last into my mid-forties. If you should choose to follow along for any part of this, then I’ll be glad to have the company and any feedback. I may be principally writing for myself, but I wonder what experiences this writing aspect of this adventure may generate as well. Hiking, like plenty of other activities, has its community. Actually, so does Lamenting Growing Old, Watching Kids Grow, and Creative Writing. All of these things may be fodder for writing, or for your thoughts and contributions, which I’d welcome.
Jay, AKA Rock Hopper
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